Dyson & Womack and the State of California implemented a permanent Public Art Program in Sacramento in conjunction with two new build projects, the New Natural Resource Headquarters, and the Health and Human Services Building. The Public Art Plan set forward the vision for the public art program and modeled a progressive approach for the State’s continued investment in public art.
The Health and Human Services Building – under the design-build team ZGF and Rudolph & Sletten – and the New Natural Resources Headquarters – under the design-build team AC Martin Design and Turner Construction – relocated to state-of-the-art buildings in the capitol area of Sacramento. These new buildings are two of the most energy-efficient and sustainable buildings in the country, boasting net-zero water efficiency and zero net energy, respectively.
Public art is a visible part of both projects. The Public Art Program is directed by Dyson & Womack who steered the program from its development to its realization in 2020. This Public Art Plan aimed to inspire world-class public artworks that engage diverse voices, challenge perspectives, and improve our civic space. It was an opportunity to create within a rich context, the California Natural Resources Agency, California Health and Human Services, and the City of Sacramento, for a progressive program of public art.
December 01, 2020