Our team of creative professionals include specialists in public art consulting, cultural planning, project management, curation and programming, marketing, and design. As a leading public art consulting firm we develop public art opportunities centered on equity, accessibility and a progressive approach to public art management.
We support clients in public art commissioning, cultural and master plans, and collections analysis and acquisition. Enter your email or cell number to receive a brochure of current services and projects.
We work with artists and organizations to develop artworks and exhibitions utilizing cutting-edge tools for design and fabrication. Enter your email or cell number to learn more about our studio and how we work to realize projects.
Dyson & Womack work with governments and agencies large and small, non-profits, architects and construction companies, advertising agencies, artist studios, galleries, and museums.
Our clients include the State of California and the City of Los Angeles, artist Charles Gaines, the Institute of Contemporary Art, the California African American Museum, and Bloomberg Philanthropies.
We love to share what we have learned working within the arts and believe that cultural advocacy begins with a strong community.
Join our mailing list for information on calls for artists, new projects, upcoming events, and resources from our work in public art.